The Utah Procurement Code provides that a procurement may be made without competition when the University determines that there is only one source that can reasonably meet the University’s need for the required supply or service, as described in Utah Code Ann. § 63G-6a-802.

The Purchasing Department has received the following request for sole source procurement

Product and/or Service to be purchased: Website Maintenance

Sole Source Supplier: Your Practice Online, Inc.

Earliest Proposed Purchase Date: April 04, 2024

Buyer Name: Matt Cooney

Sole Source Justification:

The Dept. Of Orthopedics has been using Your Practice Online since 2015 for individual physician website build and annual maintenance. The vendor was originally chosen due to the features they could add to websites, combined with an expedited timeline and extremely competitive annual cost. The Dept. started with just one website, but has since expanded to multiple websites for various physicians and sub-specialties. After nine years of use, the transitional costs would be extensive. The physicians have already expended a great deal of time in building the existing websites and their time is extremely expensive.  Additionally, there would need to be an investment of time by orthopedic staff to research and provide raw materials for a similar vendor to create a proposal for new websites. The potential for website service disruption and a loss of continuity for patients to have digital access for educational materials is significant. The estimated transitional cost of ~$30k and the service disruption it would crease is unreasonable for the Dept.

This sole source will be valid for 5 years.