Making a Purchase
As a state university with many diverse needs, the University of Utah is required to adhere to both state law and university policies and rules when purchasing goods and services to meet those needs. The Making a Purchase section is specifically for those at the university seeking to understand what may be required to purchase goods and/or services. Some topics have their own webpage as they have specific guidelines which may be outside the norm.
There are several ways that goods and services may be purchased, depending on what is being purchased and the dollar amount and/or nature of the purchase(s):

When the total purchase - including shipping - is $10,000 or less, a campus department is authorized to purchase using one of the methods of procurement outlined below. There are some exceptions to this: For example, some restricted purchases may require a certain requisition/PO, the purchase from a campus entity, or some restricted PCard purchases may not allow it to be used for payment. The method varies depending on the nature of the specific purchase.
When the total purchase - including shipping - is over $10,000, a purchasing department buyer usually needs to finalize the order. This may involve approving a contracted purchase, conducting a bid or proposal process, or approving a sole source/other exemption request. There are some exceptions to this: For example, purchases from catalog supplier in the UShop Marketplace by the campus department.
The Bottom Line
All purchases must be made in accordance with the University Procurement Policy 3-100, Procurement Rules, State of Utah Procurement Code, as well as any other applicable authority to ensure accountability to the public and fairness to the supplier. Any person employed by the University of Utah who purchases goods and services, or is involved in the purchasing process, for the University, is bound by the University’s Procurement Ethics Guideline (found in Policy 3-100 University Procurement). The goal of the Purchasing department is to assist you in efficiently obtaining the best value for every dollar while complying with applicable rules.
The University of Utah, as a public institution of higher education of the State of Utah, is exempt from all federal excise taxes and from all Utah State and local government sales and use taxes.
A UShop Purchase Order or PCard is required to purchase an item from a supplier except in specific situations.