The Utah Procurement Code provides that a procurement may be made without competition when the University determines that there is only one source that can reasonably meet the University’s need for the required supply or service, as described in Utah Code Ann. § 63G-6a-802.

The Purchasing Department has received the following request for sole source procurement

Product and/or Service to be purchased: Mimics Innovation Suites (MIS) Software

Sole Source Supplier: Materialise USA, LLC

Earliest Proposed Purchase Date: February 21, 2024

Buyer Name: Matthew Cooney

Sole Source Justification:

Mimics Innovation Suites (MIS) from Materialise is a commercially available software that the Voice, Airway, Swallowing Translational Lab (VAST) has utilized to segment the vocal tract following MRI and dynamic MRI scans. This software integrates flawlessly with their Siemens scans and uniquely allows for versatility in semi-automating the complex geometry of the vocal tract, including the glottis. The Laboratory has been using this software for two years to phenotype differences in several neurogenic voice disorders. The VAST Lab has invested significant time in personnel training, intellectual time commitment, and financial support for file formats in Materialise Mimics and 3matics. The Lab has attempted to use other commercial and free segmentation software to compare to Mimics. None have been able to provide accurate data and all require extensive time to use and have no technical support. The Mimics Innovation Team provides free service support and timely answers/troubleshooting. They have helped develop and verify the Lab’s segmentation processes, 3D cross-sectional areas, and 3D models. The costs in time, training, and implementation associated with switching to another product are cost prohibitive.