The Utah Procurement Code provides that a procurement may be made without competition when the University determines that there is only one source that can reasonably meet the University’s need for the required supply or service, as described in Utah Code Ann. § 63G-6a-802.

The Purchasing Department has received the following request for sole source procurement

Product and/or Service to be purchased: Elasticsearch Common Infrastructure Logging Solution

Sole Source Supplier: Elasticsearch, Inc.

Earliest Proposed Purchase Date: February 06, 2024

Buyer Name: Terrance Palmer

Sole Source Justification:

Elasticsearch is a central logging system that gathers data from across university IT services. Elasticsearch allows for next-to-real-time searching over 100 billion messages.
Elasticsearch is used centrally for critical IT groups and security management activities.

A cost benefit analysis demonstrates that the estimated transitional costs are unreasonable.

The intended use of this purchase goes to Febuary of 2027.