The Utah Procurement Code provides that a procurement may be made without competition when the University determines that there is only one source that can reasonably meet the University’s need for the required supply or service, as described in Utah Code Ann. § 63G-6a-802.

The Purchasing Department has received the following request for sole source procurement

Product and/or Service to be purchased: Argus Software and Hosting Services

Sole Source Supplier: Lucieda Technologies Corp.

Earliest Proposed Purchase Date: May 17, 2024

Buyer Name: Matt Cooney

Sole Source Justification:

The Utah Museum of Fine Arts has been using the Argus platform since 2013. Argus is a flexible web-based collections management system platform for specifically designed for museums and galleries. It is built to enhance curation, and to expand outreach and access via the Web, for both in-person and virtual visitors. Over the years, the Museum has modified its systems to be compatible with Argus. Switching to a new platform would require significant data conversion and mapping of new databases. The transitional hard costs would be expected to exceed $250,000.00, not including additional staff time for training. Therefore, it is cost prohibitive to purchase a new platform.

This sole source will be valid for five years.